Conversation Mill
Conversation Mill
Freedom & Surrender

Freedom & Surrender

Dale Zarrella is a world-renowned sculptor and multi-media artist, with sculptures featured at the Vatican, St. John's Seminary in California, and in dozens of private collections.

Originally, from Connecticut, Dale moved to Hawaii and embedded himself in the culture which quickly informed his work. In this conversation Dale shares some stories behind a few of his most notable sculptures. Through these stories, he reveals his heart, his talent, and shares his earned wisdom.

We met at his studio, located in Maui Tropical Plantation. Sitting among his sculptures in various states of completion, Dale gives us a behind-the-scenes view of his career.

To purchase Dale's work visit:

Follow him on Instagram: @dalezarrella

See more of his work on Youtube.

Conversation Mill
Conversation Mill
Conversation Mill aims to connect listeners to members of their community and community members around the globe; through conversations exploring how we can be the change through listening and sharing our experiences.
Small business owners, entrepreneurs, local performers, city and state representatives, medical professionals, and educators share their stories, struggles, and the things that motivate them to continue to build up their local communities.
As our communities large and small bring back a more progressive main street, individuals are stepping out to pursue their passions and local leaders are pushing back against corporate greed; it’s time to engage these community leaders and small business owners in conversation. What are the driving forces behind their courage and success, and how can we continue to build communities that embrace diversity, support the local economy and create a healthy ecosystem for the culture at large?
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